Write Ubuntu MATE image to SD card (32GB used)
Put SD card in rPi and boot.
follow initial configuration, then reboot
after reboot, open MATE Terminal and run:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm emu virt-manager virt-viewer libvirt-bin
copy windows95 iso and CC5 iso to the rPi:
Start SSH daemon: /etc/init.d/ssh start
determine IP of rPi: ifconfig
SCP files to rPi
Open Applications->System Tools->Virtual Machine Manager
Create new, change architecture to i686, click next
Use ISO image, click browse, then browse local, select w95 ISO.
Unselect automatically detect operating system and choose Windows 95, click forward
Give 256MB ram, 1CPU, click forward
Create an 8GB image, click forward
Add floppy device and assign the w95 boot disk to it
Change the IDE Disk IO mode to native
Change the IDE CDROM IO mode to native
Boot and install Windows.
Copy Win95 directory from CD to C:
Disconnect CDROM image from virtual machine and connect the drivers.iso to it
Install Windows drivers
Disconnect the drivers CDROM image and connect the CC5 image to it
Install CC5
Download gzipped image file for RPI3 sd card
SD card installation guides:
Pictures. The small white box below the monitor is RPI3